Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Prison

It was dark. The room was completely silent. She was consumed with fear, terror, horror. Tears ran down her face as she looked around, desperately hoping to see something, hear something, anything that could help her. Sadly, she was all alone, just like she had been for... how long now? She couldn't even tell anymore. All she knew is that she had never been more scared in her entire life.

Her hands gripped the cold, metal bars. She was inside a cage, she'd realized, and it was small. Very small, like an animal cage, for some pet. She was tiny, weak, frail, so she'd never be able to summon the strength to bend the bars to escape. No, she was trapped, and most of all, she knew it. She sat in that tiny cage, hands wrapped around the bars, staring off into the pure darkness, listening for any other sign of life.

She had no idea how she'd gotten there, in that tiny, metal cage. She only remembered little flashes of a struggle, fighting, hands gripping her, hitting her in the face, and the pain as someone hit her, multiple times. Her face still hurt, a dull, aching pain, but her fear consumed her more than anything. She was all alone, and completely afraid of whatever was out there in that darkness. Someone had taken her, but for what reason? What purpose? What were they going to do with her? And most of all, would she survive?

She weeped, hands sliding down the bars and her head slumping down, almost lifelessly. She was losing hope, losing everything with every passing moment in that cage, within that dark room, her possible tomb. Tears dripped down into her lap, her body hunched over as she closed her eyes and put the rest of her energy into nearly silent whispers.

"Please save me. Somebody please save me. Somebody..."

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