Friday, October 24, 2008

My Crazy, Crappity Evening

Okay, so the day started fine. Got up, played some VC, helped out with stupid cable problems, and then ate a little and left with my friend to see a movie that my friend was going to be in. We drove well over an hour to get there, with confusing zig-zag directions, and tons of stupid construction blocking off most of our paths the closer we got to our destination. That part was annoying, sure, but fun enough, as he said, "an adventure".

We finally arrived, parked across the street from the theater, and thought we were like 20 minutes late at that point. There had been confusing times for the movie, either 8pm or 9pm, and it was conflicting, and yes, as I said, confusing. We got there about 8:20pm and FORTUNATELY, when we walked up, it said 9pm movie start, so we had some time to blow. We walked down to the bookstore, roamed around a bit, then headed back. At the entrance, we spotted our friend, said hello, each got a short hug before she said she was off to fix some emergency and promised she'd be back. We went inside, bought our tix, and waited for the show to begin. Sadly, that is when EVERYTHING went to complete and utter shit.

Movie was supposed to start at 9:10pm, but at like 9:30pm, they said the problem was that they didn't have the movie to show. They were retreiving it, I guess, and said another half hour. I was fine with that, we were there, and already it took an hour to get to the theater, so we could wait an hour for the actual movie to start up. I was cool, just found somewhere to stand and patiently waited, enjoying a bit looking around at all the freaky people there, and surprisingly, quite a few hot chicks. It was nice. I kept checking the clock, and 10pm turned to 10:15, then 10:30, and soon 10:45, and at that point, being left all alone, bored as fuck, and hearing some news I did NOT like to hear, I was fucking done.

I already didn't give a shit about the movie, BESIDES the fact that my friend was in it, then add in my WORSENING mood to my boredom and aching body from standing for a while, then sitting awkwardly and painfully for nearly two hours and GODDAMN, I wanted to fucking go ASAP. Fortunately, my friend was willing to go, even JUST as the movie was finally there and people were lining up to watch.

I ONLY went there to support our friend and her movie that I know she'd worked hard on, and ended up wasting two hours, was totally alienated and alone, and only saw her for a GRAND total of 30 seconds, which was 30 seconds more than I'd seen her in the last nearly four months. So yeah, it sucked fucking ass. I was miserable ON TOP of my normal misery and depression, but I did feel really bad that I seemed to have dragged my friend down by "being myself" and asking to leave RIGHT as the movie was going to start. I just had to leave, so I'm very thankful to him that he was willing to go, cuz I'm sure 99% of people in this world woudn't have done that for me.

Anyway, we left, and within minutes, I felt a TON better. I avoided saying "bye" to our friend, cuz I didn't want to disappoint her knowing that we bailed out on seeing the movie. I don't care WHAT excuse we would have said in front of her, none of it would have been good enough for her. I felt horrible for ditching, but I felt BEYOND horrible already, so instead I just fled, pretty much. Anywhore, we were on the road again, and I felt nearly normal. We jumped on the freeway to get back "home" and after driving and driving and driving, seeming like the right direction, BAM, I look up to see Ford Field. Yes, we'd ended up in Detroit, which is NOT where we were heading, so yeah, MORE suck on TOP of an already sucky night. Fortunately, I called my bro and he sent us back on the right track.

It took a while to find the ACTUAL route back onto the freeway, but we managed, and after problem after problem, freak out after freak out (me freaking out at the theater, and then him freaking out cuz we almost got into an accident), we were FINALLY back to familiar territory. Then we hung out at the bowling alley some, then back here, watched an AMAZING episode of Impact (ha, sarcasm) and now blogging about one of the craziest, and crappiest nights I've had in a long time.

Looking back, I can say that dealing with SO much shitty shit in one evening made me REALLY enjoy being home. It also made me kinda try to focus on things that matter in my life, which is work for now, and HOPEFULLY doing some more photography if ANY goddamn girl is EVER willing to shoot with me EVER again. It honestly wasn't COMPLETELY horrible, cuz having an "adventure" with my friend was fun, and overall, it wasn't too bad. Many parts sucked, and I'd NEVER repeat it, but I guess I can look on the bright side now that I'm home and warm in my jammies (he he). I'm gonna try to do some constructive stuff the next few days and just see what happens. Pretty simple.

Plus, it feels good to FINALLY have some kind of "event" in my life that I can come home and blog about! YIPPIE!!1

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